Primary science

Year 1 Weather and Seasons Assembly Script
A script for a year 1 assembly on weather and the seasons and the book 'After the Storm' featuring Percy the Park Keeper. Has 30 lines and link to a free song to sing.

Living, Dead and Never Alive Sorting Activity
Living, Dead and Never Alive cutting and sorting activity.

Living Things and Their Habitats 7 week plan
KS1 Living Things and their Habitats 7 week plan. Covers; living, dead and never alive; the life cycle of a frog and how living things are suited to their habitat.

Keeping Safe in Hot and Cold Weather
Powerpoint and differentiated worksheet about keeping safe in hot and cold weather. LA children can cut and stick images to talk about how they can keep safe in hot and cold weather. HA to write some ways and draw a picture of how they can keep safe in hot and cold weather. Most suited to a year 1 or 2 class.

Materials Planning Year 1
Six weeks planning to meet the Year 1 objectives in science for the topic of materials.